Wikipedia – I’m a dad, husband, mentor, advisor, Non Executive Director, owner of some woods, former solicitor (2007-2024), educator, first AI-powered UK parliamentary candidate, founder of the Harrogate International Academy in Spain and the Harrogate International Academy in the UK, entrepreneur, founder of the non-profit Crowd Wisdom Project, writer, Non-Executive Director of the Just Algorithms Action Group, speaker, founder of two law firms which I sold, podcast host, Quaker (though not a pacifist), politics nerd, founder of the Harrogate District Consensus, Stoic philosophy fan, PPE graduate, recent environmentalist, law tutor, former Law Society president, former GMB union rep, Amnesty International member, founder of Voices for Burma, founder of the Oxford Union-styled Harrogate Debate, former trustee of the charities Harrogate Hub and Open Country, marathon runner, founder of The Rich Lawyer blog, which I sold, constructer of rubbish treehouses, Tory at school, former Labour Party CLP Chair, former supporter of Change UK, former Lib Dem, football nut, general truth-speaker, founder of, somewhat contrarian, chronically unwell with Fluoroquinolone Associated Disability, disability legal activist, eager to improve, despiser of labels and frequently wrong.