Find out more about my consensus-based technology at Crowd Wisdom Project

Find out more about my consensus-based technology at Crowd Wisdom Project


Buying a Language School in Spain

It’s 8:30pm, on Sunday 21 May 2023. I’m sitting, alone, on a bench in Puerto De La Cruz, North Tenerife. The photo above is my current view. I landed just [...]

Buying a Language School in Spain2023-08-02T08:18:44+01:00


I’m typing, 36,000ft in the air, on my return flight from Milan to Gatwick. Guess how much my flight cost, just for me, without a bag? £12. Two hours, plus [...]


Seven Recent Observations 

On the Budget from Dumb and Dumber As I highlighted in my penultimate blog, Truss is an ideologue. She doesn’t hide it. Her recent budget was a piece of work: [...]

Seven Recent Observations 2022-09-28T23:48:17+01:00

Leaving my own law firm after a decade

(Due to poor health, three of my colleagues at Truth Legal are buying my shares in a Management Buy-Out. A few days ago, I gave a speech at our 10th [...]

Leaving my own law firm after a decade2022-09-20T15:25:47+01:00

Duolingo and the Future of Geopolitics 

For those who don’t know, Duolingo is an awesome app which helps you to learn a language. Each day, for the last 112 days (as Duolingo tells me), I have [...]

Duolingo and the Future of Geopolitics 2022-08-29T15:31:57+01:00

Woodlands in the News

For posterity, news of the woodlands that we at Truth Legal planted, appeared in a whole range of local news outlets this week. I'm very proud of this endeavour, partnering [...]

Woodlands in the News2022-02-17T17:31:13+00:00

The Crowd Wisdom Project

Welcome to the world: The Crowd Wisdom Project!   Spawned from my passion for, and frustration with, standard party politics, particularly local party politics, 2022 sees me launch the CWP. [...]

The Crowd Wisdom Project2022-01-02T23:54:35+00:00

Surely, we can do better than this, right?

Wired-up to a portable ECG monitor whilst I type, I feel like a hybrid human-cyborg. Doubtless this state-of-the art gizmo is cleverly reading all the electrical signals going to my [...]

Surely, we can do better than this, right?2021-08-01T01:10:30+01:00

The Mother of All Recoveries (The Sequel)

Fasten your seatbelts. Our cryogenically-frozen economy, though in tatters, will recover at a never before seen pace. As an SME-owner here in Yorkshire, let me explain. Last week brought confirmation [...]

The Mother of All Recoveries (The Sequel)2020-06-22T08:02:46+01:00
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