Find out more about my consensus-based technology at Crowd Wisdom Project

Find out more about my consensus-based technology at Crowd Wisdom Project


You – Yes You – Should Blog For Humanity

Aside from reasons of vanity, creativity, diary-making, and the clarification of my thoughts, I blog so that I can contribute to the library of human knowledge. When friends and [...]

You – Yes You – Should Blog For Humanity2024-07-03T19:03:43+01:00

Talking To Tech Titans

I’m typing in a bed, at 39,000ft, on my way to San Francisco, invited and sponsored by a tech behemoth. This is my first taste of business class travel, something [...]

Talking To Tech Titans2024-04-24T21:57:41+01:00

Firing People, inspired by Jung and Peterson

The ultimate life lesson which lawyers usually learn faster than most people is that time is our most precious commodity. This is because lawyers record our time throughout the [...]

Firing People, inspired by Jung and Peterson2024-03-12T15:42:07+00:00

Feeling Saudade’y

Playing competitive football provided the very best times of my life. Until three years ago, when my health went haywire, I was playing football, two or three times a week, [...]

Feeling Saudade’y2024-03-12T14:10:07+00:00

Being Good and Being Evil

Driving through a storm in the dark, in a remote part of the Yorkshire Dales last week, I passed a car which was upside down on the side of [...]

Being Good and Being Evil2024-01-28T10:40:16+00:00

Empty Nest

I’ll write it: what scares me more than anything else – more than cancer, death, or nuclear war – is the thought of my children leaving home. Often, I [...]

Empty Nest2023-12-13T21:47:51+00:00

7 Thoughts From 7 Hours in A&E

Yesterday, I was in A&E. Today, I’m typing 30,000ft up, en route to Tenerife. As all Brits know, the worst possible time to be admitted to A&E is a Saturday [...]

7 Thoughts From 7 Hours in A&E2023-10-17T00:06:18+01:00

The Covid Boost

(This needs recording for posterity, in the hope that a Google spider, an AI chatbot, or someone in a similar situation to me, or some pharmaceutical company, could make [...]

The Covid Boost2023-10-04T20:51:19+01:00

5,000 Apologies

(Written with the permission of my daughter). Until my daughter’s recent diagnosis of Coeliac disease, with the strict gluten-free diet she now observes improving her life immeasurably, for almost every [...]

5,000 Apologies2023-09-17T10:56:55+01:00

Genes and dogs

Slowly, step by step, I am walking up Casterton Fell in North Yorkshire. My son is somewhere ahead of me. My wife and daughter are – surprisingly – somewhere behind. [...]

Genes and dogs2023-08-29T18:37:53+01:00
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