Find out more about my consensus-based technology at Crowd Wisdom Project

Find out more about my consensus-based technology at Crowd Wisdom Project


Tax My House

So, Labour’s signature policy is slapping 20% VAT on private school fees. What a sorry state of affairs – that this is pretty much the sum total of the [...]

Tax My House2024-07-24T23:57:06+01:00


It’s midnight here in Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife. I’m in my hostel - well, it claims to be a hotel, but the evidence and price suggest otherwise. It's hot. [...]


Not Even Paying Peanuts

Introduction and Welcome A warm welcome to my avalanche of new subscribers. I’m humbled to have you. Let’s get to it. My Legal Experience In two decades as a [...]

Not Even Paying Peanuts2024-05-17T14:20:53+01:00

Burning My Ship: and Some Low Points as a Lawyer

Legend has it that when Vikings invaded a new land, they would burn their boats on the beach, so that a retreat wasn’t an option. Their rationale: this would increase [...]

Burning My Ship: and Some Low Points as a Lawyer2024-03-24T10:06:14+00:00

The Evolution of Play

Today, the snow is so heavy that our children's school shut early. As I type, North Yorkshire looks quite spectacular. Back when I was a boy, a snow day [...]

The Evolution of Play2024-02-09T00:56:30+00:00

Deathbed Decision-Making

This morning, I attended the funeral of a good friend – one of the most avid readers, and evangelist for, this blog, and donors to my failed election bid. I [...]

Deathbed Decision-Making2024-01-12T14:41:31+00:00


A few months ago, at breakfast in my hotel in The Canaries, I asked the waiter: “Perdon, Senor. Tienes el pan sin gluten, para dos personas, por favor?”. (Excuse me, [...]


5,000 Apologies

(Written with the permission of my daughter). Until my daughter’s recent diagnosis of Coeliac disease, with the strict gluten-free diet she now observes improving her life immeasurably, for almost every [...]

5,000 Apologies2023-09-17T10:56:55+01:00

El Dueno (the owner) and Strangeways

It’s 8pm - vino-o-clock! – here in Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife. I’m doing something most un-Spanish: dining solo. Sitting here on the veranda of a locals’ restaurant, near to [...]

El Dueno (the owner) and Strangeways2023-09-08T21:23:58+01:00
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