Find out more about my consensus-based technology at Crowd Wisdom Project

Find out more about my consensus-based technology at Crowd Wisdom Project


Tax My House

So, Labour’s signature policy is slapping 20% VAT on private school fees. What a sorry state of affairs – that this is pretty much the sum total of the [...]

Tax My House2024-07-24T23:57:06+01:00


Ninety minutes after the polls closed in the General Election of 2024, and the exit poll revealed a Labour landslide, I arrived at Harrogate Convention Centre with my invitation to [...]


Chickens Coming Home to Roost

Former British Chancellor George Osborne, who served between 2010-2016, was a brilliant political operator. However, he was the most damaging chancellor of my 44 years. Brilliant, because when the International [...]

Chickens Coming Home to Roost2024-06-29T13:21:14+01:00


It’s midnight here in Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife. I’m in my hostel - well, it claims to be a hotel, but the evidence and price suggest otherwise. It's hot. [...]


It’s the weather, stupid

In the winter of 2012, in Bilton, Harrogate where I lived, the sitting Conservative Councillor resigned. Naturally, this triggered a by-election just before Christmas, on 13 December. Nobody, but nobody, [...]

It’s the weather, stupid2024-05-23T22:38:37+01:00

Some Thoughts On Racism

(Caution: the following words are written by a rusty lawyer. On the specific legal issues, the views of a smarter and more up to date lawyer are demanded. I [...]

Some Thoughts On Racism2024-02-26T23:18:52+00:00

The Evolution of Play

Today, the snow is so heavy that our children's school shut early. As I type, North Yorkshire looks quite spectacular. Back when I was a boy, a snow day [...]

The Evolution of Play2024-02-09T00:56:30+00:00

Being Good and Being Evil

Driving through a storm in the dark, in a remote part of the Yorkshire Dales last week, I passed a car which was upside down on the side of [...]

Being Good and Being Evil2024-01-28T10:40:16+00:00
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