Here is our chicken: RIP, Ms Chicken. I think she was called “Ruby”. Ruby was 10 years old. She had seen off all the other chickens, and all the neighbourhood cats.
Just recently, she had started laying her yummy eggs once more. She made it worthwhile to walk in the garden.
Who knew that a chicken could last a decade?
Recently, with these warm summer days, whilst I have been working away on my campaign, with the back doors open, Ruby used to peck my feet, demanding corn. So involved she has been in the campaign, that I let her feature in my campaign photos.
Then one evening, I didn’t fully lock her chicken run. Poor Ruby, but lucky Mr Fox. The dogs heard the commotion. Her feathers can be found here and there. The garden is not the same.
I remain devastated, even though for the first 9 years of her life I couldn’t care less. My children – rightly – blame me. It was my negligence.
As I am campaigning, I have to write that this blog is promoted by me – Andrew Gray – of 24 St Winifred’s Road, Harrogate, HG2 8LW.